
发布于: 2024-01-12 08:13
阅读: 88

Customer:Guangxi of China


Planting area:333500²Square meter

1. Use Docom fertilizer fulvic acid  in the growth period of seedlings to promote vigorous growth of seedlings, shorten the seedling period, and promote robust roots, 1-2kg /667㎡, a total of once

2. Use Docom fertilizer 15-30-15+TE in the early flowering period to promote flower bud differentiation and provide more energy for crop flowering, 2-5Kg/667㎡, a total of one time

3. Use Docom fertilizer Ca+Mg in the fruit expansion period to promote fruit expansion, improve fruit setting rate, preserve fruit and strong fruit, 1-2Kg/667㎡, a total of once

4. Use Docom fertilizer 20-20-20+TE at the fruit maturity stage to increase sweetness and color and improve fruit quality, 2-5Kg/667㎡, once in total

5.Fruit yield of 800 kg/ 667/㎡ before using Docom fertilizer

6.Fruit yield 2000 kg/667/㎡ after using Docom fertilizer

7. Use Docom fertilizer potassium dihydrogen phosphate in the coloring period to sweeten and color increase the yield increment, 2-5Kg/667㎡, once in total , Growers have been using Docom products for many years, and his Orange not only have high yields, but also good prices


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